Monday, August 16, 2010

Kite Surfing

Watching the Travel channel inspired Bubba to pick up this fun water sport.  Of course to Bubba everything is possible - I wish we could all have his attitude.  Anxious to start, he did some research to find out more about the sport.  In Bubba's case, research means watching a uTube video to see how it's done, then ordering the equipment on-line. Lessons? Why? It looks easy - you just fly the kite and swim with it.  There's a surfboard? No problem, he already ordered one of those too.  

So Bubba is all set with the equipment - putting it together was a bit complicated, so Sim helped!  Unfortunately, this year the winds were not that good for kite-surfing, so what to do? Bubba really wanted to try this.  As usual, a crazy idea came to him, planes and turbulence!!!  Just use your imagination… 

Plane Kiting!

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