Saturday, August 21, 2010

Civil War Re-Enactment

How many times do I have to tell you fellers? You CANNOT be in our civil war re-enactment.  It's not a game and you don't have the right uniforms.  Stay on this side of the reserve.

Bubba tries very hard to do the right thing.  Unfortunately, he doesn't always read the entire email before he takes action.  Wearing a boy scout uniform and building a sand castle?  BTW, who's the guy with him?   

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dancing With The Stars

Bubba considers himself a lady's man, but his date doesn't look too happy...Obviously she's traveled a long way for this event.  How Bubba finds his dates is beyond me.  Apparently he has access to the "visitors" in Area 51.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fire In The Hole

It all started as an outdoor BBQ -- I'm not sure what happened.  Apparently New York City has a law against charcoal-pit BBQs in the streets.  So, it looks like Bubba brought out his custom-made, high-powered electrical BBQ grill, and he decided to find his own 220 watt outlet in an open ConEd access point. I guess we can wait for the official violation report from the Fire Marshal to know what really happened. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kite Surfing

Watching the Travel channel inspired Bubba to pick up this fun water sport.  Of course to Bubba everything is possible - I wish we could all have his attitude.  Anxious to start, he did some research to find out more about the sport.  In Bubba's case, research means watching a uTube video to see how it's done, then ordering the equipment on-line. Lessons? Why? It looks easy - you just fly the kite and swim with it.  There's a surfboard? No problem, he already ordered one of those too.  

So Bubba is all set with the equipment - putting it together was a bit complicated, so Sim helped!  Unfortunately, this year the winds were not that good for kite-surfing, so what to do? Bubba really wanted to try this.  As usual, a crazy idea came to him, planes and turbulence!!!  Just use your imagination… 

Plane Kiting!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Group Picture

Meet Bubba! He's the guy in the middle of the company group picture.  You can't miss him, just look for the most enthusiastic person - maybe a little too enthused.

I decided to chronicle Bubba's misadventures because he inspires me.  Here's a guy who doesn't have looks, an Ivy league education, or even a full brain, but he has a heart of gold and a great disposition and love for life and his fellow humans.  He doesn't let anything get in his way to happiness and a fulfilling life.  How wonderful it is to watch him try things, and when he fails, he gets up and tries again -- always with a positive attutide and determination.